Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Keihin Tuning CVK - Factory PRO Website

Again, this post is only to point you to the FACTORY PRO Website with regards to tuning the CVK carburettors and Dyno-tuning the CVK Carburettors.


All credit goes to the Author - Marc.
His website is very informative and obviously took a lot of work and research to provide the information he has allowed us to use.

Thanks Marc, and your Team.

Keihin Carburettor - CVK40

I am only putting this link up because I was impressed with this explanatory webpage on the workings of the Kawasaki Keihin CVK carburettors.


All credit goes to the original Author for his straight forward explanation of CVK carbs.
- In his example the CVK40 from a KLR650.